Alzheimer's Tennessee

Alzheimer's Tennessee


Alzheimer's Tennessee

106 Mission Court, Suite 203
Franklin, TN 37067
Alzheimer's Tennessee is a statewide non-profit organization that provides programs and services free of charge to Tennessee families impacted by Alzheimer's Disease or a related dementia. Some of these include - 24 hour helpline staffed locally, caregiver consultations, resource referrals, support groups, caregiver and educational workshops and webinars, staff training for senior care facilities, hospitals, first responders, and other businesses, speakers bureau for community presentations, annual research symposium, support groups and programs for thsoe with a diagnoses and dementia simulation experiences. We also advocate at the state level for Tennessee families impacted by Alzheimer's Disease and support research efforts. Our mission is "To serve those facing Alzheimer's Disease and related dementias, to promote brain health through education and to champion global research, prevention and treatment efforts.
Cheryl Blanchard, LMSW,CCM
Member Since: 2023
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