Rackley Roofing Company Inc.

Rackley Roofing Company Inc.


Rackley Roofing Company Inc.

1673 West Main St.
Lebanon, TN 37087
615-735-1197 | fax: 615-735-1241

Established in 1974, Rackley Roofing has become one of the leading industrial and commercial roofing contractors serving Tennessee, including the Nashville, Knoxville, Memphis, and Chattanooga areas. As a full-service roofing company, we have dedicated, in-house crews who each focus on one specialty - installation, service, metal fabrication, sheet metal installation, and others. In addition, Rackley Roofing uses only full-time employees for all roofing services. These employees enjoy a full complement of benefits, allowing Rackley Roofing to hire and retain the best possible work force. Rackley Roofing prides itself on a reputation for unparalleled service and customer satisfaction.

Wes Hall
Member Since: 2019
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